Checklists in MinHub Groups

Kurt Libby

Last Update vor 3 Jahren

Track anything you can think of with checklists for groups.

In ministry there are all kinds of details to track and checklists prove to be very helpful.

Creating checklists for groups allows you to have a central place where you track stuff and can leverage the checklist for communications.

Creating Checklists

Checklists exist within groups, so to start, go the groups tab and tap on your small group or a sub group that you have created. At the top of the screen, tap on the checkmark / list icon.

From here, add the items that need to be checked off.

Here are some examples of groups and their checklists:

Missions Trip Planning

  • Deposit
  • Application
  • Sent fundraising letters
  • Recorded testimony
  • Shared testimony on social media
  • Submitted evaluation

New Visitor Follow Up Smart Group

  • Add on Facebook
  • Add on Instagram
  • Add on Twitter
  • Send Welcome Text
  • Send Prayer Text
  • Reminder Invite Call on Saturday

You can create whatever items are important in your work flow to track things that need to be done.

Working With Checklists

Once the checklist is created, tapping the icon again will bring you into a detail screen that shows the checklist items at the top, the navigation bar beneath that, and a grid or list of people that are in the group.

Tapping on a person will allow you to check off each item for that person. This is very useful if you are dealing with one person at a time.

Tapping on the item in the top will bring up a screen where you can check off all the people that have that item. This is very useful if you are dealing with a bunch of one item at a time. For instance, after small group you want to check off all the people interested in an upcoming event, tap the "Wants To Go" item and check off all the people that said they were in.

The percentages along the top will update to show you your progress as you work through your checklist.

Filtering The Checklist

The most powerful part of the checklist is to leverage the information in the checklist for communication or reporting.

To filter the list, tap the Funnel icon in the navigation bar.

Selecting blanks or checks will filter the list to only show the people that have a blank or a check for those items.

For instance, after checking off all the people that said they were interested in going to the upcoming event, you could filter and choose the blank square for the form and tap Filter.

Now, only the people that aren't interested are filtered. You also have the option to message this group of filtered people by SMS or posting to their Portal (if you are subscribed to Portal) to ask why they didn't want to go. Or you could filter the other way and export a report with phone numbers and send that to another ministry leader to follow up with the them as the event gets closer. The possibilities are endless.

Utilizing checklists allows your communication to be hyper focused and extremely useful for your people because they will continually receive communication that is pertinent to them.

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