People in MinHub Kids

Kurt Libby

Last Update 3 年前

Kids, Staff & Parents

Tracking valuable data in children's ministry starts with collecting the information that matters most for the people involved in your ministry.

Ministry is About People

The evolution of children's ministry has evolved over the last couple of decades to really embrace ministering to the entire family.

MinHub Kids makes it easy to track all of the attendance at your events with secure check in and check out while making the most of the family relationships and enabling communication with your parents.

All kids that are added to the database are treated similarly. Adults, however, can be added as parent, staff or both.

Adding People

In the People tab, tapping the + button at the top will give you the option to add a whole family at once or just an individual kid or adult. Each has slightly different options, but tapping on either will open up a long form with all fields.

Adding a Family

This form is available here on the people tab and when adding a family from a check-in kiosk or while taking attendance during an event in any room. Parents are added first and to make sure it can be filled out quickly, the only fields that are required are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Optional fields are:

  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Photo

After adding one parent, you can quickly add another one by tapping on + ADD ANOTHER PARENT. This will store the current adult detail up above the parent fields and clear the fields to enter another parent.

Next you can add kids. At least one parent and one kid are required in order to add a family. Kid required fields are similarly short for quick input when needed:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

If + ADD GRADE AND SCHOOL is tapped and expanded, a grade and school are required. To enter kid information without this info, just tap – REMOVE GRADE AND SCHOOL to add the kid without a grade and school.

Optional fields are:

  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Photo
  • Grade
  • School
  • Special Needs
  • Allergies (or dietary needs)
  • Other Notes

If more kids need to be added, just tap on + ADD ANOTHER KID. This will store the current kid detail up above the parent fields and clear the fields to enter another parent.

If you notice any wrong data while inputting a family, you can edit parents or kids by tapping on the EDIT button in the stored data white boxes.

Final information includes an address for the family, a photo permission box and an Emergency Contact box with a name and phone number box. The emergency contact information is required in case the parents cannot be reached.

Tapping CREATE will add all of the parents and kids to the database along with their family information.

Adding Kids

There are a couple of ways to add kids. You can tap the + sign on the upper right of the People tab, while adding a family or by tapping on the + KID button while taking attendance at an event. When adding a kid apart from adding a family, it is possible to search for a parent that is already in the database to connect them to an existing family, like when a family adopts a new child or celebrates the birth of a new child in their family.

The information that is required for adding a Kid are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Optional fields are:

  • Nickname
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Grade
  • School
  • Special Needs
  • Allergies
  • Other Notes
  • Photo

Editing Kids

To update the information of a kid, there are a couple ways to do it. The first is to tap on the kid's name to see their detail screen from the People tab. From there, tapping Edit > in the upper right corner will reveal a screen where you can edit all the information about that kid.

The other way to access this screen is to long press on a kid's photo during attendance. This will also bring up the Edit screen. This is great for updating information when a kid is checking into a room at an event.

Connecting Kids

Tapping on a kid's profile will show a button called Connections. Tapping on Connections will display other kids and staff that are connected to this kid and what type of connection. Tapping the + button allows you to create a new connection.

Kid to kid connections are useful for tracking siblings and friends. Tapping the plus button will easily allow you to add a kid to kid connection for siblings and friends. Tapping Edit > will allow you to switch the connection between Friend and Sibling. Swiping any connection to the left will reveal a Remove button if the connection needs to be removed.

Kid to staff connections are created in two ways. When a student is in a Shared Group with a Leader, an implicit connection is created. The other way is to visit a kid's detail screen, tap on Connections, and tap the + button. Connecting a staff member to a kid grants access for contact information. Tapping on Details > will show assigned roles, group connections, and all recorded Ministry Moments between the staff and student.

Removing Kids

Removing kids is really a two step process. The first is to archive a kid. Swiping to the left on a kid in the list in the People tab will reveal a red Archive button. Tapping that button will remove the kid from that list and from the attendance list going forward.

In the ••• tab, there is a section called Manage Archived People. As long as the kids remain in the archive, their attendance at previous events is preserved. However, if you delete the kid completely, it removes all instances of the kid from the app, including all previous record of attendance at events, any connections that existed or appearance in any groups.

Kids that leave your ministry should stay in the Archive. At any point, you would be able to restore them to the app if they returned to your ministry. Deleting kids completely is really just for when you’ve created some sort of test kid or other kid profile that you are sure you will never need again. There is no limit of kids in the archive (or in the app at all), so feel free to just leave them there.

Adding Parents

The direct way to add parents to the app is to tap the + button at the top of the People tab and selecting Adult. This method is great for when a staff member needs to add a parent to the app.

The other method happens during the addition of a student. There is a field for the Parent’s name. As the characters are typed, the app searches for a parent with that name. This helps connect parents that may have more than one student in the ministry without duplicating the parent.

The information that is required for adding a parent are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Optional fields are:

  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Photo

Addresses are stored for the family, so you can't enter it in when adding a parent for the first time unless you are adding a family. However, after adding a parent, if you edit the parent, then you can edit their address. This will then be saved for any kid that is connected to them as well.

Connecting Parents

When creating a parent during the process of adding a kid, a connection is automatically created.

Tapping on a kid's profile in the People screen will show a button called Parents. Tapping this button will display any adults that are already connected along with contact information for the parent.

Visiting the Parents section of the People screen and tapping on a Parent will show a + button in the Children row that allows you to create a new connection.

To remove a connection, tap on a kid on the Parent detail screen and select Remove from Family if the parent/child connection needs to be removed. This will not remove the kid from the database, just the parent connection.

If a new parent needs to be added to the database, tapping the + button at the top of the People tab will allow you to add a parent.

Editing Parents

To update the information of a parent, first tap on the parent’s name to see their detail screen from the People tab. From there, tapping Edit > in the upper right corner will reveal a screen where you can edit all the information about that parent including family information that is shared between parents. Addresses, photo permission and emergency contact only needs to be edited for one parent and will be saved for both if there are two parents in the family.

Tapping a child’s photo will allow you to view the child’s profile, edit the relationship with the parent, or remove the relationship altogether.

Removing Parents

Removing parents is really a two step process. The first is to archive a parent. Swiping to the left on a parent in the list in the People tab will reveal a red button that says Archive. Tapping that button will remove parents from that list and from any parent relationships with students.

In the ••• tab, there is a section called Manage Archived People. As long as the parents remain in the archive, their information and relationships can be restored.

Parents that leave your ministry should stay in the archive. At any point, you would be able to restore them to the app if they returned to your ministry. Deleting parents completely is really just for when you’ve created some sort of test parent or other parent profile that you are sure you will never need again.

Adding Staff

There are a few ways to add staff. In the People tab tapping the + button at the top will open up a long form with all fields. This method is great for when one staff member is adding other staff members.

Another method is when you set up your device for the first time or on the login screen where you select a staff account, at the bottom of the list there is a blue + button for adding new staff. This allows a staff member to input all of their own information.

The information that is required for adding staff are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Optional fields are:

  • Nickname
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Photo

Connecting Staff

Tapping on a staff member’s profile will show a button called Connections. Tapping this button will display students that are connected and what type of connection. Tapping the + button allows you to create a new connection.

Staff to Kid connections are created in two ways. When a staff member is in a Shared Group as a Leader, an implicit connection is created with all the kids in that group. The other way is to visit a kid’s detail screen, tap on Connections, and tap the + button. Connecting a staff member to a kid grants access for contact information. Tapping on Details > will show assigned roles, group connections, and all recorded Ministry Moments between the staff and kid.

Editing Staff

To update the information of a staff member, there are a couple ways to do it. All staff that have linked a device can go to their own profile and update any changes in information. You can also tap on the staff member’s name to see their detail screen from the People tab. From there, tapping Edit > in the upper right corner will reveal a screen where you can edit all the information about that staff member.

The other way to access this screen is to long press on a staff member’s photo during attendance. This will also bring up the Edit screen.

Removing Staff

Removing staff is a two step process. The first is to archive the staff member. Swiping to the left on a staff profile in the list in the People tab will reveal a red button that says Archive. Tapping that button will remove staff from that list and from the attendance list going forward. This will also remove them from any groups as well.

In the ••• tab, there is a section called Manage Archived People. As long as the staff member remain in the archive, their attendance at previous events is preserved. However, if you delete the staff member completely, it removes all instances of the staff member from the app, including all previous record of attendance at events, any connections that existed or appearing in any groups.

Staff that leave your ministry should stay in the archive. At any point, you would be able to restore them to the app if they returned to your ministry. Deleting staff completely is really just for when you’ve created some sort of test staff member or other staff profile that you are sure you will never need again.

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